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easy PRE + Fairmount + PRE's rock

September 1, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, nice

Slept in a bit. GOD, it's great to wake up with Kaci next to me. Laid in bed for a while, and I kissed her face a few hundred times, then we got up and had some breakfast out on the deck, sharing stories and insights. This is quickly becoming one of our beloved traditions. It was finally a typical Eugene summer-fall morning: bright and clear, and pretty warm in the sun.

Around 10ish we ran: from my place through Alton, then across the bridge to Fairmount, and up to PRE's rock.

I felt a lot better today, but still felt sluggish. And per usual, she gapped me by 20m on the climb up to PRE's rock! We stopped there briefly. Among the stuff left? Edward Cheseret's bib from Nationals! VERY COOL. He's truly the ONLY guy who's come closest to replicating PRE's record (in terms of W's at the NCAA level). Awesome.

Ran down to Fairmount, then around by campus, then down 13th and downtown.

We hit my apt at 9.3 miles and, despite running 20min too long yesterday, could NOT stop short. So we ran down by REI and around, and I trolled her, "What was that that you called Zach Bitter yesterday?" On our car ride home from the coast, she called Z-BitZ "a mileage whore". :-P

Got back to the apt and cleaned up, then did what is now the customary "almost time to leave cuddle (slash-makeout) fest". :-)

It was pretty hot, in such a totally different way than any other woman. I'm not going to get into dramatic detail, but as of the end of this weekend, we've reached - BARELY - "second base"! Yet, everything we do - from cuddling to kissing - is powerfully passionate and fulfilling!

For the longest time (or the first couple hang-outs, which seems a long time ago), our kissing was merely little pecks. Part of me truly believes that her "make-out experience" is pretty small! How could it not be?

So, when she straight-up "attacked me" on a few occasions this weekend - like HER, open-mouthed kissing ME, NON-STOP for a minute+ at a time - it just floored me. SO much passion! And, to go as slowly and methodically as we're going, it just adds to the power. :-)

On Saturday morning I shared some more thoughts about her sexuality: and how, at first, I didn't know how to react to her being a virgin: it's obviously a great thing, but I hesitated. And I shared my background, on how I felt that I had repressed a lot of my sexuality as a younger man, and that drove my gut feeling of "that's....OK". But in reality, I told her, it's absolutely phenomenal that she's a virgin! I told her that my number one goal is to earn her trust and the gift of her heart, and that I feel we have A LOT of work to do before we get overtly sexual. And I think that was a relief to her to know I wasn't going to force the issue, which allowed her to express herself the way she did.

I drove her to the airport at 2ish and bid her farewell. The goodbyes aren't too's the day or two later, when I "run dry" and really miss the hell out of her.

Rest of the day: grocery shopped, then...did a whole lot of nothing! REALLY tired from the weekend, and all the running!

All in all, it was a terrific visit. I am without a doubt in love with this woman. And, I feel that *she* is truly deserving of my heart, which is such a great gift for me!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles