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Weird Saturday...

September 6, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in a bit, after staying up way too late. Did a good 4-set workout of:


Then went to Brails to work on Hal's book. GREAT READ. I've been dreading it a bit (as I do all my writing, for weird psychological reasons), but it really is excellent. It's fun to read it with "his voice", and there's a lot of great nugz and anecdotes as well.

Worked on that for several hours (with on and off distraction). Found a flight to Omaha on BGD's bday weekend for $370!!!! I had a class in PDX already, but damn...with KacR and I not having any other weekend between now and November, I went for it! So with great relief, the new KacR Countdown is 27! :)

Around 2ish I touched base with MrR and planned a hangout to watch the Duck game at Highlands. GOOD TIME: me, MrR, then Emily, Tommy, and Hammer/Gretchen. Stayed there 'til about 8, then went home.

Before the game, I snuck out for a short run. I still want to rest, but the brain (and the legs a little) needed to move. Ran the same pre-Waldo around-the-Butte run, but cut it even shorter, so it was at most, 2.5mi. Felt pretty good!

Started to get REALLY SMOKEY in the EUG in the PM...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
2.5 Miles