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Treadmill walk

September 7, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Walk

Weather: 80s, smokey!!

Another weird-ish day: woke up, breakfasted, then dropped off Katniss' bike at his place. It was HELLA-SMOKEY: like, ash on shit outside-smokey! There's NO way I would run in this, given that it was making me sick last night.

Went to Brails again, where MrR was there with Chloe&Nate. Chatted with him for a while, then when they left, I did a bunch of emailing and internet time-wasting, and before you know it, it was 4th quarter in the bears game. Went to Jackalope to watch Cutler throw the game away, then went to Allan Bros to get some actual work done.

Got about 75% done with Hal's book, but there was a bunch on my mind. Got a text early yesterday AM from my friend Max, who said his wife wants a divorce. We're supposed to talk today (but he deferred to later in the week). Thought a TON about KacR, too. Just writing those RLog memories makes it worse, in some respects. I love rehashing, but it makes me miss her a ton.

Worked 'til 4, then went to work to do something indoors. Pow-hiked for a solid hour (4mi at 14% grade, just over an hour), while watching "Unbreakable"! :-P

Some more L thigh pain, which I think is from a stuck R SIJ. REALLY had to work on trunk neutral while hiking! So easy - after THREE YEARS of being scared of extending - to go into "old man back"!

Then talked to my uncle on the phone, then home.

Did laundry and ate, then called KacR. Had a good talk, and I told her about Max, then talked about the importance of knowing each others' sensitivities (wounds) and working through problems before they split people apart. Tried not to get too hard-core, then shifted to my ongoing focus of how to find a "weakness" to beat her in "bed wrestling". Her defense ("Stiff as a Board") and offense (tickling and "Deadly ThumbZ") are formidable. I'm pretty much screwed... ;-)

Watched a few more Prison Breaks, then bed...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles