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easy Fairmount

September 11, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80s, perfect

Good day at work - a couple openings, which allowed me to work on another gait analysis. NO lunch workout. I'm trying to figure out if I can make it to P2P this weekend...but I have to get my work done!

Ran easy from work, down to South EUG, then along 24th to Fairmount, then through campus.

Big emphasis on form:
- hinge
- back arch (lots)
- pawback
- abs/knee drive
- - pushing off the R (really both) medial arch/balls of feet.

Heavy emphasis on the latter two, recently, and I'm running faster, still. Easily 7:30 or faster on the Suunto (which is either 7:30...or like 6:45, not sure). No HRM this week, but going on feel, and I felt like it was 13x all day.

Really excited to get worked on by Kelly tomorrow - still stiff, and that seems like the last component toward "full" recovery.

Post-run: home to work on the HK book review. FINALLY got the draft done at 9:30!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles