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Shevlin Park + Mrazek Trail

July 26, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, HOT already!

Slept in a decent amount at KC's, though the juniper allergy kicked in a bit overnight and made things congested. Had tea and researched running routes before we finally took off for a run just after 9.

By the time BOOTS and I got to Shevlin, it was already quite warm -- at least 70. I felt tired and sore, but the legs came around pretty good within a mile or two.

The R sciatic was a bit rough again; I think I tweaked it pretty good with the hill running AND the fall; it feels like it did late last week before I did the lateral stretches. Bummer.

Ran the standard Shev loop, but then ran up the ridge to the Mrazek trail, which is this LONG (17mi) mtn bike trail that meanders along the ridge above Tumalo Creek. It was 3 miles to the end of Shev, then we tacked on another 3 out on Mrazek before turning around. I stopped for a deuce at the midway point.

Pretty good run, but a little boring. BOOTS and I had a couple key "Rick Furseth Debates" that were slightly less one-sided than the orignials, regarding professional distance running. Pretty good convos.

The last 3 along the east ridge of the creek went by fast. Pace was pretty good, but I was tiring at the end. Pretty good end to a pretty long week. I'm a little bummed I feel as shitty as I do for having not run hard all week. Hope the back/leg improves.

Got back to KC's, showered (after circuits), then busted out. Hit up Izzy's on the way out of town, which -- per usual -- wasn't nearly as good as it seemed beforehand, but it still hit the spot. The drove back to Eugene. Good convos around running and coaching on the drive back.

Pretty chill rest of the night, just laying low before the early AM departure. GOOD WEEKEND. Sucks that they go by so fast.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles