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Brutal RF run - Whitetail + Hoffman

September 27, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 60s -> 80

Woke up EARLY to take mom to the airport: had a good chat about my talk with Max last night. 1:30 drive roundtrip, then back to RF.

Left around 9 to run what I hoped to be a BIG run of at least 3 hrs, encompassing all my favorite trails. But when I left, my HR was immediately high. UGH. I thought it was fatigue+stress, so I decided to ignore it and go by feel.

Ran from mom's to the Whitetail mtn bike trail system: a great, hilly, winding 7-mile (or so) trail network in the woods. I felt OK, but not great. Tired and heavy.

After that, I was back on the roads, heading back into town. Felt ROUGH, like I wanted to be done. But I channeled some KacR and patched myself up (with a Deuce at McDs), then headed to Hoffman.

Hoffman Park is my ALL-TIME classic, favorite place to run. It is a small butte (maybe 250' up) but at the top is a 1709-meter wide trail that's 95% flat and not too technical. I used to do 3-10 laps at a time up there, and just get in the zone.

But by the time I got there, I felt terrible. Grabbed a drink and managed 3 laps up top (8:1x splits - which suck), but I could feel I was working.

From there...I shuffled home. Felt just awful, WTF? Breathing was terrible, even though it was nice and not humid. Near home I looked at the HR: 170!!!

I got done in 2:25 or so. AHR of 157!!! GDamnit!

Obviously allergies as I could barely inhale when done. About an hour after an allegra, I felt normal. UGH.

Rest of the day:

- Errands for mom (mower gas, mowed lawn, replaced flood lights)
- to Brandie's for dinner to hang with my niece+nephew
- another meeting with Max.

With Max at his house, I finally gave him some assessment:

- he learned when he was little that "the formula" for safety+affirmation was being perfect: strong, outgoing, hyper-achiement.
- that he changed from when I met him (age 12) and when we became friends (14-15), around when his dad was abusive.
- that ever since then, it's been all about "The Max Show" - doing this routine to gain esteem, feel good about himself, etc.

But in the past 5-10 years, it's breaking down: "The Show" is never big enough, it always has to be more (marriage, kids, jobs, volunteering). And that even his wife+daughter is a part of the show.

Ultimately, the show needs to end - that he needs to live authentically and honestly: doing good work, but also balancing with what my mom calls "self-care" (being social, exercising, etc).

I then outlined some things I think he should do:

- get off the sleep meds, which are a big part of the erratic behavior
- RUN every day (we talked about how this routine, and "the pattern" helps the brain)
- come visit me: he's NEVER visited me in Oregon in 5 years. In fact, he has NOT been on a plane or out of state in like...a DECADE. Again, he admitted this was a fear ("The Show" would stop).

All in all it was good, and shorter. We hung out for about 90min, then parted ways. Going to hangout tomorrow, including run!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.0 Miles