November 1, 2014 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: high 50s, dry
Class today was at nine. Slept in after last night, then buzzed over to Allan Bros for coffee + breakfast.
Class was...OK. Zoned out a lot and fiddled on my laptop, following the JJ100 proceedings.
At lunch, I took off and ran an easy 5-ish in South EUG. Felt pretty good, considering the long run, plus last night's festivities!
After the run, I cleaned up, did more class, then bugged out early to get to Matt's to watch the Ducks pound on the Tree, which was fantastic.
Didn't do anything after that - went home and watched the end of JJ100. Good run by KacR, but it was a struggle. Do you think she wondered, at all, during that run, "Why did I do all that six-flat pace work?", or "Why didn't I do ANY hills or technical training?", as she struggled in laps 5 and 6? She sure had that "8:30 grinder pace" going on the rugged terrain...but that simply wasn't sustainable.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
5.0 Miles |