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South Eug + Baldy x1 + Ridgeline Add-on

November 19, 2014 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 40s, "stagnant air"


A little beat-up from the downhill work, but not too bad. Ran the usual, South Eug loop, including x4 stops for pull-ups (x42 total).

Thought about doing multiple Baldy summits, but I was too tired. I went up easier - and lower HR:

10:23 (166)

I'd like to see that around 10:20 (160) by the end of December.

From there, I ran down to the road, and connected to the high-side of Ridgeline, but then had to deuce, so I looped back to a porta, the back.

My coveted singletrack mtn bike trail had its bridge taken away! It's a "RATCH" bridge: just a 2x6 plank that spans a narrow but DEEP, muddy crevasse about 4 feet deep...but someone took it away! WTF? It ruins the time-ability of this descent route, until it's replaced.

Ran easy all the way back. The splits went down to mid-7s with the HR still in the 13x range.

Felt a little off in the afternoon because of the stagnant air, but came around.

PM: grocery shopped, then came home and snacked and half-ate. When I'm tired it's SO hard to cook a proper meal! So I messed around, but finally got out of the house to go to Tap & Growler to get some work done.

GOOD to see "Callie-Alice" again. When we spoke last week she told me about a real job she was interviewing for, and today she told me she got it! So we talked a good 5-10 min, with her gushing about all the details of her new job - which are legitimately awesome. This also means she'll been quitting T&G, which is a bummer.

She asked me how my trip went, which is funny, because she's become quite the FB stalker! Ha! She told me so, a week ago.

I got some stuff done - emails, some r-logging, and some gait analysis prep - and then she came by the table and chatted some more: about downhill running, my low-carb recipes, and other stuff: again, all stuff she's "read" on social media. :p

I had her surprise me for my second beer - which was a 10% Cruz (Bend, OR) IPA. Fearing for my health, she then went and brought me a couple bacon-wrapped peppers!

Oh, man...I really like this girl, she's pretty awesome. A couple major ughs:

- she's got a BF: some guy from undergrad that she came out here with, that's in law school
- she's 23!! HA! Taylor Swift age!

But she's definitely into least a little bit...and she's a sincerely good and SOLID person. That I can feel.... Hmmmm...

I'm gonna at least have to let her know I'm "interested"...and then just let 'er be. Perhaps the best thing (for me) about her getting a real-deal career is that A.) she's here and B.) she's not dependent on her present BF...

I really don't think I'm being delusional. But, I know chemistry when I feel it... so I guess we'll see... #chillax

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles