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Epic 3x Baldy + Spencer

November 21, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: crazy-wind, hard rain on and off

Normal work day, but I had a PT appointment at 1, so I was going to be crunched for time and daylight. Had a good session with Mike, who helped me work on hip power on the right side by using a theraband wrapped around my leg. Interesting concept!

The weather was supposed to be shit today: tons of rain and wind. Did NOT want to go into the foothills, because that meant some serious shit - low snow, bad stuff, and early darkness. So I figured, "What the hell, let's run in town!"

This was a huge #TBT run. Back in '11, before I knew what the hell I was doing, I used to do this repeat loop of our hunt route from Thornley's house: from 39th to Ridgeline, then the shoulder of Spencer Butte, then down Willamette back to Craig's.

My plan for tonight: 39th and Hilyard (near Craig's), to Ridgeline but up Baldy first (700' climb), then Ridgeline to the TOP of Spencer Butte - a SUPER-rocky, slick final 200' vertical - and back down, all the way down Willamette.

I wasn't sure how long it'd be, but I figured close to 10 miles. I would do THREE.

Mr Roberts ran the first few miles with me, from 39th, along the bark path, to the base of Baldy. He hiked while I ran, and then we reconnected at Ridgeline. He bailed to go drink beer (the nerve!) when I headed to Spencer.

The first summit wasn't bad: good light, and while it was windy, it wasn't terribly wet. Or dark.

I hit the summit, then gingerly made my way down off the jagged, slick rock to the trail. There were a few brave souls trying to hike, but they would soon disappear.

Got all the way back to the trunk in just under 100 minutes. I stopped to hammer some water and take a gel(!), and grab my headlamp, then started my second loop.

The weather got worse: more wind, more rain, mid-loop, it was dark. It was cool to be up at the top of Spencer (>2000') as it was HOWLING up there, and slick as shit, but...really cool! Tagged summit #2, then headed down into the dark, and building fog, yet again.

I felt a little sluggish on the first lap, then, after the first gel, felt great! I felt better on the second lap, but felt gun-shy after my epic bonk two weeks ago.

So when I got to my truck for the final lap, I HAMMERED water (about 24oz), a gel, then took another. a bump, texted Tommy about getting a beer at his house when I was done. MrR asked where I was at, and I told him to come run the second half of the last loop, so that was a nice bump, too.

I started the third lap. The HR was slowly climbing, due to fatigue. I was running EASY, but it was hard to keep it in the 140s. Ran a solid, strong 3rd Baldy, then over to Ridgeline. I popped the 3rd gel between Baldy and Spencer, as I was feeling woozy...but I wasn't sure if it was the poor visibility, or a true bonk. Either way, I nursed the gel as I made my way up - into the monsoon - and back down, with no issue.

From there, it was ALL downhill!

It was a good descent, and a good time to be form-focused. REALLY focused on great form today:

- the "HAPP'D" - namely the Max King "Pelvis"
- getting my feet beneath me
- staying tall without slumping

And I felt great! It's insane how much better running feels when you're efficent! Damn!

Got to the car in just a shade over 5 hours! 29.97 miles (fuck that running around to get the miles, KacR!) and nearly 7K' vert.

And I felt GOOD. No problems, no pain, no bonk, no cramps. The stats:

Flat section from truck to base of Baldy/Powerline
Base to Summit - Baldy
Baldy to truck (up and over Spencer)

14:16 (120) 13:06 (141) 13:50 (147)
10:54 (156) 11:06 (164) 11:23 (168)
63:35 (136) 66:22 (145) 67:48 (149)

BREAK 1: 1:59
BREAK 2: 3:44
RUN TIME: ~5:02

Gonna round up to 32 due to the GPS watch.

Post-run: changed from my drenched clothes and drove to Tommy's for a couple beers!

GREAT RUN. Wore the Orange N2s again.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
32.0 Miles