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PRE + Spfd + Fairmount

November 28, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50, dreary but mostly dry during

Nice, lazy day, but got some stuff done. Slept til 8 (after bed by 10), had breakfast, then headed to work. I had one single patient - for 90 minutes, a runner from Portland - then I messed around at work for a while. Did some strength work: push-ups, bridges + back extension (old man back, b'gone!), and abs, around some foam roll work. Still pretty sore from last weekend, damn!

After that, I finally went running. Felt TIRED, but went for it. It's a tough spot I'm in: I feel I need to REST for TNF, but if I rest as I should, then I'd be down in miles this week, next week (pre race), AND for a solid week after the a three-week lull, when I should be putitng in the max work for Bandera. So the strategy I've adopted is moderate volume easy mileage.

Did the standard loop all the way into Springfield, then back to EUG, via Fairmount, as well as the standard x7 strides on the home stretch. Felt GOOD: low HR and good pace, averaging in the low 130s for the whole run. Missed most of the rain, which was nice.

When I got back to work, there were texts from Callie wanting to run again this weekend.


I really don't know what to make of this, and how to proceed. I clearly like her - she's fuckin awesome, what's not to like?

- She's outrageously beautiful: natural sandy blonde, with THE best smile + blue eyes, EVER.
- And for a competitive, driven former Division I runner, she (seems) to be more balanced than any other of her type I've met, with other interests going on, besides running.
- She's got a degree in organic horticulture from UF and works for an organic supply place in town, gardens, and brews her own (fucking awesome) kombucha
- And best of all, she's an outrageous nerd (though she tries to hide it) with a fantastic sense of humor.
- There's been chemistry there between us - on both ends - since we met back in July. And for me, this was DURING the time things were really good with Kaci. That has to count for something (as opposed to me "reaching", out of loneliness).

Now, for the issues:

- She's got a live-in boyfriend, with whom she moved her from Florida. He's in law school at the U of O. I don't know jack about him, or them, but from the bits she's said, he's not a runner (I think he swam at UF), has not athletic aspirations, and...likes to fish. But there sure seems to be some long-term incompatibility issues, especially considering how little investment he seems to have in HER interests.
- There's some potential boundary issues IF she's at all interested in me, and "spending time" while being in such a relationship
- She's only 23...ok, well *almost* 24.

I reached out to several folks yesterday -- Emily, MrR (who is going to run with us, as my "chaperone", Sunday), and BGD -- to get some insights. My perspective:

- The best way to meet quality people is to be a good citizen within a community. You have to put yourself out there and engage with a lot of people in a positive way, and continue to make quality connections. This is SOOO much better than meeting random people.
- Relationships of all sorts come and go. Timing is everything. So to ONLY engage with "available" people is missing out on quality connections, and the potential, down the road, for something meaningful to build.
- There's no such thing as *perfect*: people, timing, or logistics. People who wait for "the timing to be right" will wait forever, and potentially miss and lose out on a lot of good experiences.
- If you are committed to "Fiduciary Responsibilty", any interaction that's true to that mission will be a good thing for everyone.

All that said, what I'm trying to figure out is, how can I build rapport with Callie - who I value highly as a person - while respecting boundaries of where she's at? How do I look after mine and her (and her BF's) best interests? I don't think those things are mutually exclusive. But it could be a tight balancing act.

ANYWAY, it's all interesting, but extremely important not to get too worked up or wrapped into this. It's a far-fetched scenario driven only by some perceived chemistry, with outrageous logistical complications. I'm not getting any hopes up, and I'll continue to pursue other quality experiences. #DontRaceTheHighCountry

PM: drove Emily to the airport, then went to Tommy's to watch some UVA-VT football, which included a second-half snack at Highlands. Home and in bed before 11.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles