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T&G run - Ann, "Dan"

December 16, 2014 (Night)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid-40s

Ran again from the T&G, no hunt. The group is being super-annoying about letting this woman Ann run. It's pretty bullshit: I'm personally responsible for adding FIVE people to the hunt in the last 5 years, and now those very same people are opposed to new members. WTF??

So Ann - who got lost and missed out on our snowshoe trip - wanted to run "with us", but since I was forbidden to invite her, I ran with her and others at T&G.

Of course, this also gave me an excuse to see Callie Alice, which is always great. She was quite pleasantly surprised to see me there at 6.

Ran with Ann and Kristi, and another guy, Dan, while CAC was up front grinding out a faster pace. Dan and I separated from the ladies and ran solo through PRE and "the secret trails".

Felt pretty good, but generally tired.

Had a beer with CAC and Ann and some others before having to leave to "attend the social" (post-hunt beer). I felt I needed to so I didn't alienate them. Walked Callie to her truck and bid her goodbye. It's still a total surreality to think that, well, apparently we might start dating in the future! Jesus!

Went to the hunt for an hour, then came home and ate. Good day

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.5 Miles