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easy PRE+ with Callie Alice

December 14, 2014 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50 or so, not bad

After dropping off KRW, we drove back to my apt. I'd thought about going for a run, but I kept mum about it, waiting (or hoping) to see if Callie would ask.

She did. So we went.

This was another intimacy layer: her in my apartment, alone, with me. Again, nothing happened, but...a step.

We stopped in briefly to change and use the bathroom, and then we were off. But before that happened, something fascinating and incredibly awesome happened:

Callie dropped a DEUCE in my bathroom!

Yuck, right? And YES, it was in the toilet and flushed, yeesh! And no, there was nothing terrible about it.

But...WOW. That SAYS something. She'd never been to my place, and she's comfortable enough - with herself, with ME - to do that? It sounds incredibly trite and weird, I'm sure, but I need to say:

- I might be able to count on ONE hand the number of times I ever knew Britt deuced around me. In TWO YEARS.
- Neither Chelsea or Kaci ever - EVER - did so (three months).

So, for me? This is like...amazing: someone who's comfortable enough - with me, with HERSELF - to do a normal, healthy bodily function, as It's fantastic. In the weirdest, most baseline fundamental way, that's more intimacy: being vulnerable to do what you need to do, for damn sake!

We ran: a little uptempo for my soreness, but she was enjoying herself. I was enjoying her bun-huggers and tight shirt, and smile. I showed her a couple of my "secret trails" before we headed back.

Another hang-out. More one-on-one. Great, great stuff.

She left, finally, and I cleaned up, did laundry, and took care of a few things.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles