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Amazon/Rexius (road edition)

July 2, 2008 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80s, hot!

Had a good day at work, but was tired going into the run. Decided to try a longer, slower run today to work back into things, and also to stay off the bark paths.

Ran my Amazon/Rexius loop, with next to no trails. Started really slow, whic h was both boring and somewhat irritating (physically and mentally). Moreover, running on concrete/roads right next to nice bark paths was ghee.

L adductor was a bit tight 'til about six miles, then it miraculously felt near-100% for the end of the run. Ran about 7:20 pace for the whole run. Tedious, but fine if it helps me heal.

Got back, had a clif bar and an apple, then biked the ~11 miles to Stef's to hang out for a bit. Ate dinner and watched some Anchorman, then I biked home, right around dark. Hauled ass both trips, especially on the way home. Covered the distance in 25 minutes.

Went to bed at 1000 really tired. Good quad-fecta today: circuits, weights, run, bike.

FIRST DAY IN NEW KAYANOS. Hopefully they'll help the knee, which was about a 1 on the TRAN 0-5 scale.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles