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OFF - yoga, massage from KRW

February 23, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

No time to run today: worked 'til 12:45, then reluctantly called Mike to decline his job + residency offer. It was tough; I felt like I was letting him down -slash- flaking out. But it's the right decision.

Had a massage appt with KRW at 1:30. WOW, was it awesome. I felt like a new man after he hammered on my achilles. He's SO good. Unlike "Monsters", who just destroy your tissue, he cleanly mobilizes - like a surgeon, as opposed to bludgeoning with a sledgehammer. Worked both achilles, calves and anterior shins. Felt like a new man!

Back to work, then to yoga. Good class! It's about my tenth in the past five weeks, which is great. Probably going to drop to 1x a week...if + when I start running more!

PM: went to T&G, where Callie's former boss (and my former running patient) had a surprise 40th birthday bash. Then some dinner at CA's.

Good day. Life is pretty good right now. Will be even better when I can get back to running!