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Weird Hunt

March 10, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Bike

Day 1 of the "Spring of OOJ":

- Slept 'til nearly 9 :-)
- Got up and did some work. A guy from *Malaysia* who found me from iRF was supposed to fly here and see me at Tensegrity, tomorrow! I emailed him, then called him today: he's gonna see me, privately, for $300. HA! Thanks, Sean!
- Went to Noisette, a french-style bakery and got a bunch of pastries for my (former) coworkers and brought those by. I appreciate the vast majority of them, and feel sorry that they have to deal with the shit-storm Sean created. And, there's something deeply satisfying about using my severence (e.g money for nothing) and spending it on my coworkers.
- went to Winco to grocery 10AM. LOLZ
- home to clean and make yard waste bags
- worked on Callie Alice's neck and back over lunch
- went to the coffee shop to work on my UR column, which turned out really well

At 5ish, I headed home. CA and I were to go biking for an hour or so while the fellas hunted. We drove to Lewis' and hopped on the bikes, but about 20 minutes in, climbing our way out of town, I noticed Callie's bike tires were, like, 99% flat. OOPS. So we biked slowly back to Lewis', and went for a 30 minute walk.

Big focus, yet again, on rolling through my first ray, both feet. TEENIEST bit of soreness at times in the left achilles, and a general weird soreness feeling my my legs and glutes, power-hiking up the steep hills in the neighborhood.

Post-hunt: YOGA session at the Manspace, led by MrR's wife, Blaine! Short session, but it was fun!

Overall, REALLLLY easy bike. Oh well.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes