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easy bike with CA

April 19, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Bike

Right after the run, we suited up for a bike ride. We did about :90 through the SW hills again, bypassing the outrageous Chambers Hill in favor of the longer, way-less-steep Crest Ave.

Easy, relaxing ride. CA spent a bunch of time out front.

It's interesting. Callie Alice is:

- extremely smart
- very sensitive
- very expressive, but measured

So when she get's "touched" by something (good or bad), she'll take a bunch of time to mull it over, then - sometimes piece by piece - let me know. On this ride, we'd roll for 15-30 minutes, and we'd stop at an intersection and she'd say something, sharing a feeling or insight.

It was a good way for her to digest what I'd said, and for me to get feedback on how she was feeling. By the end of the ride, she was in much better spirits and I had some more idea of where she was coming from. But the long and short of it is, she agreed that she needs to get 100% healthy, and needs to be "OK" with not running "a lot, every day". Good stuff.

Had a nice ride down Chambers to Spencer Creek to Gimpl. Kept things pretty chill on Gimpl. Great ride.

AHR 113!!
23.5 miles

Post-run: CA surprised me by taking us to King Estates, a nice winery only a few miles to the south of where we biked. Nice day, but...hazy! (Turns out there were "Siberia Wildfires" filling the Oregon sky with smoke and shit!). Had a nice meal, while running into the Wegener Family - one of my oldest "PT families". Their son Mason is a junior on the SEHS team. I've worked A TON on his stride - when coaching, and in the clinic, so it rocks he's doing well. Also in attendance (along with his two younger sisters, who I've also treaded), was Sara, the Axmen's top girl - who I also treated a year ago, but kept getting injured because the head coach and her dad wouldn't listen to me. BUT...she's [mostly?] healthy this year. Good to see 'em all.

Had a good meal and some wine, then drove around a bit more, stopping at this cool tiny lookout point. I began to feel REALLY sluggish around this time: turns out it was due to a boatload of allergic reaction.

By the time we got home, I felt terrible. But after an allegra, I began to feel A LOT better. But I can't take them daily or THEY fuck me up...

All in all, it was a great day and weekend.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes