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Smelt Sand beach progression tempo

June 21, 2015 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: mid 50s, light breeze -> strong breeze!

Comments: of. Didn't sleep all that well after the yellowjacket bites, but finally did. But when I awoke at 9, I wanted to be up...but CA was sleeping. She didn't wake until about 10, then we hung out a bit before finally packing up. Dang, what a great spot: 100% solitude and - hornet notwithstanding - was a perfect place.

Breakfasted again on nut butters and coffee, then drove to town. The initial idea today was some beach running, then a road tempo, but once we got on Smelt Sands...we just kept going! Went EASY on the way out (Callie's 145 = my 100-110), with a light tailwind. About every mile or two there'd be a creek crossing, dumping into the beach. It always *seemed* like you could cross them without getting wet - or at least CA thought so - so she'd dance around for a bit. On a few she actually made it across, but on just as many had to splash in.

It was quite peaceful, almost meditative, running on that flat, firm, expansive much so that we decided to do one long out and back. The idea was to progression-tempo the return, and since CA needed to do her own pace, she turned back at 6.5 and I went going 'til about 7.75

Once she turned back, I wound up from 110 to 13x, then turned around.

Into a TOUGH wind. Yeesh!

So I realized -after another day of hamstring pain and stiff, sore back and neck - that, goddamn it, I'm STILL swivving a lot, so I really worked hard on being stable in the trunk:

- stable trunk

- strong arms

- long & tall posture

- "Elite feet"

- open pelvis

Felt pretty good but...was REALLY slow! The wind was really tough - not terrible, but enough to really slow you down. That, and the 4hr run - even if at 110 HR - was fatiguing. So I ground, and ground...and just barely got under 7 pace!

The HR was in the 150s steady for the first few miles and only into the 4th mile did it spike over 160. Then the HRM started to wack out (low battery methinks) so I wasn't sure.

Ran a total of 5.5 (maybe 6) of tempo, then met up with CA at the end of the sand beach and ran a mile cooldown back to the truck.

PM: cleaned up )no pool this time), then cooked breakfast along the beach, then headed home! GREAT TRIP!

Run deets:
6.2 miles, 108 HR
.58 mi, 132 HR
5.55 mi, "146HR" (really more like 155, but HRM farted in last 2mi)
= >6mi total progression tempo

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.0 Miles