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easy Oakway session - TREADMILL MAF test

August 23, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

SLEPT IN. There was an idea to drive to MRT, but:

A.) we were SUPER-TIRED from yesterday
B.) the air quality was TERRRRRIBLE! Like truly gray-hazed "unhealthy"

So we wound up sleeping til like 11, doing some errands, then finally hitting Oakway for an indoor session.

This was a good of a time as any for my first bonafide treadmill MAF since Tensegrity! AND, my first accurate one. Tensegrity's TM was...WAY OFF. It was quite slower than it read: meaning, all those "5 minute pace" workouts? Maybe like 5:45? 6?? So all my old MAFs were off too.

So both CA and I did a mile warm-up, then 3 mile mini-MAF (my HR max 130).

The splits

7:36.5 (131)
7:47.1 (131)
7:55.9 (131)

Not bad...probably a little slower than reality, due to fatigue. But that's pretty on par with what I'm seeing outdoors (flat, in the AM). REALLY would love to see that in the low 7's...

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles