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Putnam + Long Carson + G-Trails (solo)

September 6, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run


Slept in a bit 'til around 9, then hit the road with HASH and Finch, as well as Mack, who showed up to run. Even though those guys WERE running easy, it was evident within a mile or so that I'd not be keeping up. It was just SOOO HUMID!

At 9ish, it was about 75...with a dew-point of 72, so like nearly 100% humidity! Unreal. On top of was misting! But it didn't feel good! So weird... It was like this all weekend. Like a WALL of humidity.

Ran from the hotel toward campus, then an old dirt road down the hill toward the river, then onto an old river trail path that we used to run..back toward campus. I led here, trying to keep things easy. But I bet we were doing 8:45 pace on the trail and 13x HR! Once on the "Putnam Road" (an old dirt road at the base of the ridge separating upper and lower campuses), the guys simply began to pull away, while I had to slow just to keep the HR in the 130s. They came back for me at the end of the 1.5mi road, but they figured out that I was going on HR, and they pulled away. Fine by me.

Didn't feel very sore at all from the cc race, which is nice, but I was flat-out shuffling the rest of the run: on the Buckshot 5M course along the river, to Carson Park, and then "Long Carson". I was dismayed to see the old singletrack along the park road was grown over. From there I ran out of the park and towards the one-mile mark of the BS5 course, then crossed the bike path tresle bridge. But rather than run straight uphill to the hotel, I tried to find the old "Guerilla trail" route that connected the bridge to campus via singletrack. This was a mainstay trail back in my day, but clearly now seldom used. It was so-so for about a mile, then majorly petered out. I wound up hiking through stinging nettle for a good third-mile before getting back onto the campus trail loop. Hiked uphill (120-130HR) then shuffled back to the hotel.

OK run, but fuck, I'll be glad to get out of here!

Rest of the day:

- checked out and bid farewell to Ryan. Really cool to spend time with him. He's not mega-"lively", but a good guy

- got brunch at an awesome new spot with Scotty Hayden, who I've known since he was in HS. I coached him at UW-L and we've been in touch since. He's now a teacher and asst HS coach, himself, so it was good to touch base. Good kid! My old college asst coach joined us toward the end of the meal.

- drove back with Billy to RF. Finished my irF column, hung out and watched his "Kids from Wisconsin" music DVD

- Brandie and the kids came over at 4ish. Finch and his daughter (Tatum, age 4) came over after that...then after we ate, Neuhaus and his daughter came over (age 3)

- Haus is doing..."good, not great". But he booked another ticket to come visit in October. But he said multiple times while visiting with my family, "I've NEVER been on a plane alone!"...

- After everyone left, the remaining folks: Steve and Eva, Billy, mom and me went for a beer at Juniors.

- Bed! Long weekend!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
8.5 Miles