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Dr Choi's "ultimate hunt"

September 1, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70s, perfect

Dr Choi led this mystery hunt from the ManSpace. Good crew:

me, Lewis, Tommy
CA, MrR, Dr Choi, Matt Thornton

We ran down to Amazon, around through Tugman, down "The old route" (nearly past LB's, down to Amazon again), then roundabout back to Kincaid Park.

Dr Choi had parked there, and had a game of ultimate for us. The catch: different objects:

- Frisbee
- tomato
- big block of cheese
- shuttlecock
- sleeping bag
- boot
- pistachio nut
- marshmallow
- 10lb med ball!

It was pretty fun, but the damn med ball was BAD. I'm shocked no one blew out their backs. It took FOREVER to score a point with it, because it was impossible to throw & catch forward -it was mostly short laterals. My team - of me, MrR, CA and Dr Choi got smoked. The other team had Dan-o (who joined late, nursing yet another left sided injury from running weird), Tommy, Lewis and Matt - pretty stacked. But we won the last point with the tomato! Pretty fun...and I didn't go too hard or get too sore, which was good.

I had the watch going the whole time and wound up with nearly 5mi of total running, including an easy jog back to Lewis'


On the warm-up, we're running down the quiet, low-traffic 34th (or so) toward the park. We're for sure in the far 1/4th of the road+shoulder, when a car comes from behind an BLARES THE HORN as it passes. It was so bad we though it was a friend, but it was a random. Well without hesitation, Lewis lets "both birds" fly overhead ("...and put one of those fingers on EACH HAND UP!...") and the car - a fucking PRIUS - slams on the brakes! WOAH.

BUT, just as it was about to throw it into REVERSE (white lights on), ANOTHER car turns from a side street NEARLY INTO HIM! LOLZZZZZZZZZZZZ! He almost backed into an oncoming car! SO, of course, he jams the breaks, this OTHER car honks at HIM, and they both drive off!

LOLZZZZZZZZZZ! Pretty awesome. What a dickhead!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles