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Hardesty...single Constitutional

December 6, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, very soggy but didn't rain

Slept not very well last night, and was not looking forward to this run. This was supposed to be the cornerstone long run of the Bandera prep: a double HC (2x 18mi, 4500'), akin to Bandera's double lapper.

Got to the TH not feeling too swell, but just committed to doing the distance, so I did not look at the watch at all: no split or HR data. The ascent felt easy, but felt like I did not want to push any harder.

Accidentally looked at the split... 73! "Dear GOD!" VERY slow, my slowest ever, solo, wow! ...oh well.

Kept going, and two things happened:

1.) got this weird R medial knee pain. I've felt a couple twinges of it the past week, but it was legimately sore! WTF? I slowed up, did some stretches, and it seemed to go away...

2.) R lateral ankle flared. The shit that came up, post-Thanksgiving, reared its head after being pretty well-behaved all week. But to be honest, it was bugging me a bit on Saturday, but I kind of blew it off...

So I slowed a little bit on the downs (mostly because of the knee). I began to think about whether or not I could finish this run...

Wore the jet-pack, from which I drank every mile or so as they ticked off the watch, AND I fueled: brought some small cookies with (maybe 40cal) and ate one every 20min or so. Both helped, but overall my energy was sluggish...and the ankle soreness worsened.

My Sawtooth split was OK, but the Lost Creek descent was lackluster, and by the time I got to the road, the ankle was flaring up pretty good, and got legitimately SORE on Goodman.

So...I called it. Damn.

Ran an abysmal 3:13 for the loop (NOT including several stops for water, etc). Yeesh!

PM: Turns out, I got sick. Or, more likely, I got some foodborne bug from Lonn's bash yesterday, because Callie got sick, AND Kelly and his wife (who showed) also got sick! I had pretty nasty gut rot once home, and wound up napping it off for nearly 4 hours!!

So...I don't feel so bad about how slow and sluggish I felt. But the ankle is an annoying setback. I shouldn't have blown it off, or rushed out the door without working on it. It's definitely lateral ankle muscle, AND some Achilles...and I should've massaged it loose.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
18.0 Miles