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Hoffman Park short hill workout

December 25, 2015 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Slept in a bit, but not much, since I wanted to be around when my bros left for their dad's.

I wasn't sure what I wanted to do. I'd felt fairly recovered from Tuesday's workout - and the subsequent food poisoning (though my stomach still sucked) - so I thought about a moderate workout.

Ran the usual way to Hoffman, then around to the backside. We got some extra snow overnight, but the trail-doubletrack was still shockingly runnable! And I felt good, so I decided to do short hill repeats.

The west side hill has a maintenannce dirt road (never used) that's about 200m long (and maybe 100' gain). We used to use this hill in my HS coaching days to do 200m climb, then an extra 200-600m hard over the top, depending on what we wanted to do.

I arbitrarily picked what seemed to be 300-350m total length for repeats, then I did some...til I felt like stopping.

It was fun! Pushed pretty hard, REALLY focused on form:

- tall into the hill
- strong feet
- excellent shoulder blades

...all of which are tough on steep hills!

But I felt good! It just feels EASY to run hard (or "not that painful" to push hard). It just "IS"...and I haven't felt that feeling in a LONG time.

Ran about 7 of them, til I thought I'd hit ten miles - and needed to get home - then ran back to mom's.

The splits. The distance turned out to be 400m and 100' of vertical (all in the first 200m):

1:58 (152 HR)
1:55 (156)
1:57 (157)
2:00 (158) - missed the split button my watch (probably 157 or 8)
1:53 (161)
1:54 (160)
1:48 (163)

HR peaked at mid-to-high 170s, so not a major burn.

Post-run: bid adieu to Steve and Will. Steve had apparently rented a hotel room, rather than stay at my mom's (or his dad's, who lives 15mi away). Said goodbye and love-yous to them...but it's still a little weird with Steve (and will undoubtedly be for a while).

Post-run: went with my mom to my brother-in-law's parents (Two dads!) in MPLS for their Christmas, which was good. My stomach was a little off, yet, and I was tired, but I was glad to see my sis' family once more.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
10.0 Miles