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weights + shallow water run

January 12, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Swim

AM: foot felt pretty good, no complaints. But I wasn't about to try another road run after Sunday's flare-up.

Jogged real easy to Oakway and did three sets of:

- glutes (bridges, etc)
- push-ups
- deadlift (95lb)
- lat pulls
- abs

Then went into the pool. Did :50 of mostly shallow water running, REALLY emphasizing getting on the inside of both feet. The nature of pool running (it's super hoppy) almost exaggerates the foot stress, so I felt a bit of soreness. I'd do some deep water "pawback swims" every 5min or so.

Sat in the hottub for a bit after, then jogged back to work.

PM: foot was OK 'til maybe 4pm, then felt TIGHT & ACHY the rest of the night, til I got off it.

Went to a PNF seminar that Mike (my old PT) was giving at the community college. He's such a great teacher, that it was great to attend this intro-level seminar.

Jake came with, and he and I stopped at Lewis' for a beer with the Hunters, afterward.

Not happy with the foot's response to the shallow water -- a mini-version of Sunday. But I think that's the norm: it just TIGHTENS in response to calf activity (calf gets worked = get tight = tightens up foot)

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes