January 11, 2016 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Bike
Kelly worked over my foot in the AM. At first, it was way less painful than last week, but then get got after it: doing some super-intense "Active Release Therapy", then doing some graston-like scraping.
It felt pretty sensitive (just throbby) the rest of the day, but not painful.
Spin biked (I think?) over lunch. Felt fine. I don't recall it being that sore, even pre-massage.
This week: starting to wake up an hour early to study. I have this huge Orthopedic Certification test on 3-12, and now was the time (post-Bandera until then) to really focus on it. Did a little study with CA in the PM, as well.
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
50:00 |