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Half-mile on treadmill, then PRE from EWEB

January 17, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: rainy, bleh

BUSY day, yeesh, but this annoying "I'm a normal person doing normal things":

Slept in a teeny bit, then had breakfast. I think I studied a little bit over coffee.


- CA and I went to work. I wanted her to run on the treadmill in the mirror so she could see what her feet are doing. She had an internal (medial) blow-out on her altras (right worse than left) on her fatass run yesterday, and I KNOW that's from lateral striking (then coming down overly hard on the inside). Sure enough, she was.

I also did some running on there, and dang, it's just SO hard to be whole foot and toe forward on the right.

Took some photos for my UR column, then we parted ways: I ran PRE, she to the gym. I parked at EWEB (a half mile from my house) to avoid some pavement.

Run felt pretty OK. Crappy weather. Just TONS and TONS of rain here. So much so that PRE had puddles on it, which I'd never seen!

Foot was mildly sore but not terrible, so that was cool! Ran all the way into SPFD and back. Felt solid.


- got my oil changed and "gear box oil" changed ($200!)
- went to the bank to deposit cash
- went home for INTENSIVE closet and upstairs clean out. Major project! Our place is so small, it's necessitated hyper-organization. Spent over an hour organizing and throwing shit out of under the sink, then we both went through the closest to toss out clothes we don't wear. Then CA had this awesome idea to install a shower curtain as an "upper clothes bar", which (after some intial collapses) works great!

- Hit the St Vinny's to give away all our stuff (only like .4 miles away!), then hit the grocery store.

No PM studying, but we got a ton done! I guess this is how other people live: doing errands and "productive things" in their day. It was good, but I'd hate it if that's what life was always like...

GOOD NEWS: foot was minimally sore the rest of the day, even being on my feet, cleaning. Good sign!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles