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Truffle Shuffle 4M!

February 7, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: cloudy, like 50 -stagnant air

Slept in, slightly, then got up and ate, then did some good study before the Truffle Shuffle race. The TS used to be a BIG, fast race in town, but it's shrunken down recently. But for Mike and Nick, I figured it'd be a good "eat your vegetables" fitness effort, so I encouraged CA to also run it.

We wound up getting into a near-argument - conflict this AM, when I "projected" my own injury frustrations on her, spurring her to really "go for it" today. She has the habit of "workout-izing" these events, and really not pushing beyond a moderate threshold effort. I told her that you have to "Think Fast to Be Fast" -- that you can't just "wait to be fast"; that if you've put the work in, you have to BELIEVE you're fast, first, then the body will respond.

She got defensive, and said I was putting too much pressure on it. She was right...but I think I was, too.

The race was at 2ish, so I rolled over a half hour early. Jeff and Jake were manning the EPT tent (injury screen), so we used the tables to work on her: left glute, left hammy, right low back - and even some right hip PNF!

I was really nervous that I might've pulled a Three Sisters again and pushed her into an injury, but...she did AWESOME!

In a small field, she had just enough guys around her to pull off a 24:02 for four miles! The second half is slow and rolling (up and down mini rollers and twists on a bike path), so she actually ran like 11:40 for the first two miles, which is astonishingly fast for her. She was doing her "VO2max" 800s at that pace, so it was cool for her to "show up" with that pace!

Nick and Mike also ran, but a bit more lackluster, but that's OK. Good efforts for all. I rode around the course, taking iPad videos of everyone, including CA.

Cooldown: I ran an easy 3 with her, then, with my iPad, we recorded me.

NOT good. Trunk LEFT.


On top of that, my feet SUCKED: lateral as fuck.

So we tried to fix it:

- "shift the trunk right". DID NOT work. I stayed right for like one eighth of the gait cycle, but STILL wound up trunk left. Did nothing to my feet.

- "elite feet" whole foot, pushing straight back. NOTHING. In fact, it made it look worse.

I was super pissed. Then Callie said, "Well, what about shifting your PEVIS RIGHT?"



I did this TWO FUCKING YEARS AGO, figuring this out in late 2013. And you know what?

- the pelvis right shift corrected the trunk (I stayed symmetrical). AND it AUTOMATICALLY fixed my feet!!!

So godddamn it! I've been "pelvis shifted right" for...months? The past year? 2? I dunno! But I did another quarter-mile jog, practicing that, then we headed home.

SO FRUSTRATING. But not surprising. Something felt "off", and I couldn't figure it out. But since, then:

- I've done a ton of back stretches (shifting pelvis left)
- my toe touch is way better (it was STIFF in yoga)
- and it was shocking how it just automatically corrected my foot strike! It makes sense: you shift the pelvis on one direction and it:

A.) makes the ipsilateral foot out lateral
B.) makes the contralateral LEG land narrow (also lateral strike)

Hope this is fucking-IT now!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.0 Miles