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Ice Skating! - Lane Ice

February 12, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

Good, productive day:

- allergy shot (+some study) in the AM
- worked only 9-1, seeing a few of my harder chronic pain patients. One GRADUATED today, doing great, and the other is CLOSE.
- Worked with Emily Kalenius, who's a pretty damn good local ultrarunner. We worked on the "pelvic shift" idea, and - once again - it was really helpful!
- Did some good work with some other folks, then was done!
- studied for another 1hr or so, then went ice skating!

I was a bit apprehensive about whether or not it would irritate my foot, but that was overpowered by my curiousity of testing the "pelvic hypothesis". I KNEW before (even two years ago) that I have WAY harder time "turning right" on skates: this involves pelvis LEFT and trunk right, while the opposite was easy.

Got there plenty early to get the skates on, so I was the 2nd person on the ice, so I set the tone by doing laps clockwise (98% of the time, the skaters go default counterclockwise-left turns).

I must've done a THOUSAND laps (they take about 10 sec? I dunno) over 35 minutes: big laps, smaller face-off circle laps, ALL trying to shift pelvis left, and then do a "cross-over" skate style, where you let the pelvis drift left enough (and trunk right enough) that the right skate can get ALL the way underneath you, and allow the left to "step over the right". This is the chop-style that the best (e.g. real hockey player) skaters do.

Did just a TON of that, really working the glutes and the hip and pelvic balance. And it was a TON of fun!

PM: got home, showered, then studied another 1.5hr (finished the "clinical inquiry" chapter for OCS), then met up with CA and Jake at T&G for beer.

I officially asked Jake to be my "first employee" for my gait analysis service. If I'm gonna grow, I need help. And he's really interested in the process. So for now, he's going to start with "data aquisition" (the background information synthesis, then screen grabs from the videos). This will be a huge burden lifted, as this is the most work!

About a beer in, Tommy and Carrie, and Dano showed up, so we stayed for another 1.5 beers! Unfortunately, both CA and I hadn't eaten so we were damn near wasted when we 9PM! Ugh. Fun night, but...should've eaten!

Good day. NO foot pain. Very very minimal any-symptoms, again!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes