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Lowes Creek Trails

September 5, 2009 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 65-75, more humid but still not awful

It was tough waking up at 0700, but I did, and I was packed and out the door by 0745 to EC. I met Finch at Lowes for the alumni-varsity race, but he was like 45 min early, so we only ran about 25 minutes together once I finally arrived. Also there by that time was Billy Farah, so the three of us rolled easy on a combo of old trail and single track. Finchy and I gabbed about marathon training, which was fun. After dropping them off, I ran 45 minutes more solo, then came back to "watch" the race. However, TOPS showed up and wanted to "jog" it, so I figured WTF, so I ran in the back with him.

We wound up doing a "cut-down jog" on the 6600m course, starting at 7min pace and getting down to 6:40, which is a reasonable pace on how brutal that course is, especially the back/hilly sections.

Because we were way in back, I didn't see ANY of the race, but WHEEEEEELS did really well, and he'll be starting as the #3 man for EC! WOW. Beat Breitbach by 8-9 seconds.

Leg-wise, my L heel was fine: felt it a tiny bit but did lots of "floss" stretching and that pretty much made it go away, which was good.

After the race we stood around for a while til pizza was delivered, which I "ate the shit out of" (as my roommate would say). After that, I went to McPhee to do circuits and stretch. While up on the track I saw JBS, which was super-rando.

Cleaned up and hit the Joynt for a pitcher with Bill, Mack, and M.Sinclair, then to Dooley's, where the alums spent the rest of the afternoon. I busted out at 5 for LAX.

Spent 7 'til about 3AM out in LAX. LONG NIGHT. Good talks with Dan, then hanging out with Dallas/Megan, and Bobby and his roommate at TRR, then DT to Bodega 'til nearly close. Right around 1:30 we met up with several of our classmates in town for a wedding, so we hung out...which consisted of Shelly being pissed off at Dan for some reason, and him drinking to "drink it off". Don't think that worked too well. That kept on 'til about 5 min before bar close, when we finally rounded the posse to head back to Dan/Shelly's

THEN the night started getting weird. Outside Bodega I saw a pair of pretty attractive women "walking" (you could also say "stumbling", depending on your interpretation) along the sidewalk. When we all exited, heading for Dan's apt, they asked if we could give'm a ride, and I recognized them as Maggie Leyendecker and Amy Kempen, two of the three famed "TRIFORCE" members -- three (relatively) hot mid-distance girls from UWL. They were ham-boned, but I offered them a ride.

I've talked to them maybe 5 minutes in my life but they acted like we were best buds. I drove them to the West and Vine area, and the whole ride home Amy kept telling Maggie how "cute" and "handsome" I was, as if I wasn't in the car. THEN, when I dropped them off Maggie grabbed me and planted a "thank you" right on the lips! Kittin me? HA! A cheap thrill for this old guy.

I drove to Dan's, only to find him GONE RUNNING (I saw his silhouette in the distance as I pulled up). Shelly was inside CRYING about God knows what amongst her 3 friends upstairs, Brando was passed out on an air mattress in their tiny living room, and there was a 4' couch that was supposed to be my bed... I just drove home. Left LAX at 0300, gassed up in La Crescent and headed home.

...only to get PULLED OVER outside Winona at 0340. I wasn't really speeding, except that the 55 zone lasts like 10mi out of Winona, which I'd forgotten about. Verbal warning. GOOD THING, because that breathalyzer would not have been "clean". :s

Got home at 0510. Good day but LONG. And certainly not SMART, either. Let's hope we survive it.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
14.0 Miles