July 31, 2016 (Afternoon)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: mid 60-70...surprisingly nice but crazy mosquitos!
TIRED but good run. We did sleep in a bit, eat, get some stuff done before heading out. As such, we didn't start the run 'til 12:30.
I was pretty rough - REEEEALLY tired - but came around gradually on this run, CA's last big one of her Waldo block. This was the only section she hadn't seen, and it was clutch for her to experience that uphill grind from Bobby Lake trail, up the PCT to Twins I. We hiked a lot early on, but then had a really bomber run to Charleton, then another good section to 4290.
In fact, she nailed ALL the sections! Her downhill cruiser speed is really coming around, and her hiking is solid.
4290 to Twins II is always tough, but she did a good job, but holy shit, were the mosquitoes terrible! We could barely out RUN them!
Overall, it was a great run for her, and solid for me. TRULY good 100-mile training. I was SOOO tired, yet not at all truly "exhausted": my HR averaged 129 for the entire 24-plus miles, and only when we were trying to race skeeterz did it get above 140! Good combo run.
The drive home was a buzzkill, but oh well. Good day!
General quad soreness, lots of hip soreness, and some knee soreness (but nothing too bad from yesterday's fall).
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
24.5 Miles |