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to and from Oakway on bike

August 15, 2016 (Night)

Exercise Type: Bike

Weather: 90ish? Breezy

Solid day. Was a little rushed getting to MSP, but it went off without a hitch. Got on the plane, too, which was nice!

I could've planned on the later flight - and slept in, and gotten in a run - but I'm glad I just got there.

Got to PDX, only to sit around for a few hours to do work while CA was at her inspection. Took the MAX toward where her friend Lexi - visiting through Waldo - was hanging out, on Hawthorne. We all convened around 3:30 to drive south.

Too late for yoga, so once we got home, I biked from the house to Oakway to lift. 40min RT bike, and GOOD lift:

- split squats
- glutes (misc)
- abs (misc)
- standing cable rows

4-5 sets of that, then 3-5 sets of:

- box jumps (EASY now! 30" height?)
- kettlebell hop-overs (single leg, x6 in a row)
- pull-ups
- plank + R LE + L UE dumbbell row

Good lift, then rode home. Not terribly sore or tired.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes