August 18, 2016 (Morning)
Exercise Type: Run
Weather: WARM
Woke up early but just felt I wasn't ready to workout. Milled around, rolled out and hit the door, but was just sore:
- sore from yoga (glutes, hams, quads)
- like my weights soreness was "awoken"
I ran a mile around the neighborhood, then did 1.5mi on the turf field at Spencer ('til my left toes got sore) then kept going south, down Tugman to Amazon, to SEHS, and back.
Felt pretty sluggish and sore, so it was a good call.
Rest of the day:
- x2 patients
- bunch of decently good work (web upgrades, etc)
- dinner at home, then out for beers with Colin, a good friend - now the husband of an ex of mine (immediately pre-Britt). He's now in PT school in Duke, and back home, visiting
Distance | Duration | Pace | Interval Type | Shoes |
8.0 Miles |