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Butte to Butte 10K -

July 4, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

It's the fourth of July, so that means Butte to Butte! I was clearly not rested for this race, but that's OK - all fits the theme of 100-mile training: "run fast when tired".

Did a reasonably long warm-up, from the house, down to Amazon, then up through Tugman. Wore the N1 Roads - a good, soft shoe that's fairly light.

Weather was pretty warm, but not terrible.

Start: The new loop took us up and around the neighborhoods, a total of four extra turns and maybe 75' of extra vert, which was annoying, but at least we got a warm-up. I got...OK, but was WAY back, right away. The race was STACKED with Oly Trials fans - many of whom are young, fast, post-collegiates. AFter the square loop, we headed up Donald, and as usual, got gobbled up by folks charging the hill -- but less so than last year.

The very top - the steepest - burned a TON more this year, with an extra kilo in front of it. But we got over it.

Downhill: also better than last year, but still not great.

Once we got to the flat of Amazon, it was a small relief to know we weren't running all the way to Skinner. I settled in with a pack that included a very attractive young woman (turned out to be Caroline Williams, a '14 Columbia grad and fast runner), and a couple younger (HS looking) guys. I did my best to simply "be comfortable and efficent", and that seemed to get me down Amazon, and around toward the park, into town. There was some surging and fading, but I stick with Caroline, me in back, then me up front a bit. It seemed to be a good place to be (and a good view, lolz).

Once on High St, things hurt a bit more, but I felt OK. MAJOR focus on:

- quick cadence via strong feet
- tall and forward
- strong hips

I could've pushed harder, but I thought I'd be better off with a moderate effort and GOOD form (and thus faster recovery). I wasn't really minding splits, but they were decent.

Finally, we got to downtown and the hard left turn to the finish. I chose NOT to bitch-kick Caroline, and came in behind her.

Ran 35:45, which is good for a solid 5:45 pace! VERY happy with that (video showed some pretty crappy left foot-hip form, but oh well - at least I wasn't too twisty, and had decent arm swing).

That's much faster than both '15 and '14, which is a great fitness metric!

Post-race: chatted with several folks (including old SEHS kids; Julia Webb, going for Stroller run glory, no surprise). Joe Bosshard dominated the 10K (like 29?) and his lady, Emma Coburn was down there.

Cool-down: ran fairly easy from 5th Street, home.

GOOD day! Really happy with the results!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
13.21 Miles 35:45
3.0 Miles Warmup  
10.0 Kilometers 35:45 5:45 / Mile Race  
4.0 Miles Cooldown