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OFF - in Missouri, then home

August 28, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

We got to bed late, and I didn't sleep well -- too much beer, I suppose.

CA got up to run with Courtney and Bert, but I declined. I was worried about my foot, so I went back to bed for an hour.

After that...a bunch of weird shit:

- Coffee, then OK breakfast in the hotel (much to the chagrin of CA, who wanted to drive a bit to a really good place, but was shot down by family)
- Roamed around the grounds at the hotel, to a back garden. It was REALLY hot outside, especially in the sun
- ONE hour of free time to do some coaching
- drove to a random MO SP: some "Mill State Park". Essentially this guy bought a bunch of land and made a mill 150 years ago...and now it's a historic site. Ho-hum.
- drove into KC and went to a good authentic German beer place. I had a LITER of Hofbrau, lols
- drove more (south) to the cousin's house for dinner. Had an OK dinner and good chats with most of the younger folks - her cousins and such - til like 8:30
- drove home in the rain

LONG day, but pretty "easy", but generally weird. Good to spend time with her family, and solidify things, but I'll once again be happy to be home.

FOOT: stretched it a bunch and did some self-massage. Wore my ugly N2 running shoes around all day to protect, and it felt pretty good. Just a bit achy at times, and not necessarily at the heel!