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EC - McPhee + Stagecoach/Putman to Hartnett's, then DT to State St Bridge, then back via campus ... plus some barefoot!

October 2, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50 --> 60 and nice!

Woke up a bit earlier today, but slept well enough. Bill and I got up, pounded some more crappy coffee, and drove to McPhee.

Finch was there in the parking lot and we snuck our way into the indoor track - the door propped open by the cc team! As they were assembling for a Sunday run, Dan was nice enough to say nice things about us alums before they took off.

I worked with Finch for a bit (ankle), then we left for our run.

Running with Finch is ALWAYS a grind, but I was feeling good today. BEAUTIFUL MORNING. We ran the trail down to Putnam (dirt road), already sub-7 by the time we got there, then onto Sean's. Finch didn't have the time for a long run, so we ran downtown, with Sean following along on his bike! - crossing the State St footbridge, then back on the bike path to campus.

It was "high-aerobic" for me, but felt good. Focused on "Finch Stride" - big hips BEHIND, opening the pelvis (a combo of pawback pull and foot push). Felt pretty good!

We ran back to Putnam, and once we hit the trail, we bid adeiu to Sean. SUCH a solid guy, really great to spend a prolonged amount of time with him!

We grinded a bit - Bill out front of Finchy! - back up the Stagecoach trail to the track, where Bill led us. Finch didn't do strides, but chatted with Bill while they stretched. I ditched the shoes and immediately ran barefoot on the thick, wet, REAL grass of the infield! Ran about three laps before Finchy took off.

ALSO a solid guy. Really happy for him, and how HE (his persona, the runner-teammate he was for us then, and the man he is now) brought us together!

Bill and I did strides - he on the track, me barefoot on the grass. I gave him a couple hip-arm cues, which helped. Then the kids and Dan came back and Dan had me look at one of his cc girls (ankle; MAJOR back-leaning) before we took off.

Rest of the day:
- breakfast, just Bill and I (Really good coffee shop on London!)
- Parted ways. AGAIN, SOLID guy, that Bill Farah. He and I were really close BITD, and it still shows
- Drove all the way to MPLS for the "TCRC Injury Consult". It was a dud except for seeing one of my "remote" stride clients, who lived nearby!
- Drove home for pizza, beer and dessert with family and Jimmy's parents. BEAUTIFUL night, fun frisbee throwing with Beekz and Evan J
- FUN DAY and FUN WEEKEND! (Stayed up too late after that wtaching "Portlandia!")

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles