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TRAN's Trapezoids x5

October 4, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: short bout of rain

Slept in til nearly 9, then got up and quickly made us breakfast. I had a coaching meeting - my first session with Alexis - at 10:45. Her stride is pretty solid, so that's exciting!

I can't hunt tonight, so I decided I'd do some short speed, hitting up Skinner for some "Trapezoids". It'd be interesting to do this post-Superior, as I'd done it about two weeks, pre-race.

Felt like ASS on the warm-up - BAD eggs & bacon heartburn, but I pounded some water in the T&G bathroom beforehand, which helped.

Didn't do any strides or drills, just got after it. Felt solid enough, but I was pretty surprised by the splits! Pretty damn fast!

Form focus included:
- pelvis left
- knees out
- strong feet
- tall trunk & arms back (tough)
- tall & FORWARD (also tough)

the lean-into the hill was the most powerful, speed-generating cue, for sure. Strong feet was also good, and the frontal plane alignment stuff was good. Downs were OK and stride were fine. Felt pretty good, but was glad to only do 5! Never felt like I over-did it, but a couple of those downs were sluggish, so I was riding the edge a bit.


73, 45.9 (1:43)
72, 46.7 (1:51)
70, 43.5 (1:54)
72, 48.9 (1:53)
69, 42.5 (----)

Ran easy back to work, from there.

I'm pretty impressed by this. It means a couple things:

1.) that I'm foundationally efficient. There's ZERO way I could've equalled - let alone run FASTER - post-Superior, unless my stride is holding together

2.) that recovery is coming along. The systems are feeling pretty good...

Rest of the day:
- saw an afternoon patient (new patient with an acute knee sprain)
- did a great RunHub training group injury talk, addressing mechanics and training concepts ("lean forward", "run easy")
- stopped by Recharge to drop some cards (and chat with Emily and Kimberrrrr!)
- hunt social

Good day, despite starting a little stressful!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
6.0 Miles