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old-school early-am, "grinder road runner" session

December 10, 2016 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: Dark, cold and rainy "AF"

Because of this PT class, I was committed to not only get up at the ass-crack, but also get in a legit "long" run. And, in preparation for the rigors of SOB, I'm now transitioning training into formal Grind Mode -- the racing gear I'd avoided during the post-Superior recovery.

Ran from the hotel in Lake Oswego - a pretty nice SW suburb of PDX - and headed east, toward the river. There were some nice, wide concrete sidewalks (KacR would call these "TRAILS") along some business parks that led to a few long roads that ended in "downtown" Lake Oswego.

And HILLS. Long grinder hills. Up and down, then up and down into Lake Oswego, then up again, before I hit six miles to turn back. Mild-moderate grind outbound, then mod-high grind to finish.

My watch must've been off, because, for the life of me, on the return trip, I couldn't break 6:20 pace...DOWNHILL. Additionally, on my perfect out and back, I had to add-on a few blocks.

Splits (HR): + is uphill, - is downhill

8:42+ (125)
7:43+ (139)
7:15-+ (146)
~7ish (1xx)
6:33- (145)
7:45++ (157)
6:13-- (154)
7:28+ (158)
7:40+ (161)
7:07+- (156)
6:42+- (158)
6:20- (162)

Conditions were fairly shitty. Either super-dark and-or tons of SNOW on the ground.

This was a good ol'fashioned grind. This is a run I would've classified as "kind of hard", but not a workout. This was definitely a workout, as I essentially grinded for ten straight miles. The entire run had nearly 1000' of climb and loss, each.

Rest of the day:
- cleaned up, breakfast, coffee, class
- class all day, with a break to work (my work)
- CA came to PDX and I met her downtown - although it was a shit-show to get there, with TONS of downed trees due to the snow

TIRED the rest of the day, but glad to have done that run -- although it might've been a bit much.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
12.0 Miles