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MB to DT and back to FH with BGD, Tyler

December 3, 2016 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 50s, nice and sunny...but SMOKEY!

Lotto Day! Up for some good coffee from Christina, then we (myself, Tyler, Christina, and Melissa) walked from the house to the Placer High auditorium.

Always an exciting scene: lots of folks, but certainly not packed. Met up with Thomas and Luke, and after some chatting with folks like BISP, we had a seat and got into it.

Long-story short:

- didn't get picked
- CB was the only Eugenian picked
- I'm really glad I wasn't picked. The folks who were picked, CLEARLY would not be able to get in, any other way. And they were so damn excited, I would've felt like I'd stolen an entry, had I gotten one.

So...after that wrapped, we assembled for a run. BGD met us at the Starbz on FH Road. But he was Late AF, so in that time I pounded a venti Americano and TWO croissant B's, not wanting to have any "low" issues on this run. Additionally, I took the time to sign up for Sean O'Brien 100K. "Game on". Bleh.

Once BGD arrived, the three of us rode in Tyler's Salomon ride to MB.

Nice day: crisp temps, "clear" and sunny skies...but something wasn't quite right in the air.

Started the descent into El Dorado feeling OK, but the HR was feeling a little jacked, and I was feeling woozy, which was weird. We stayed together until the crossing, but once across, both those guys pulled away. My HR JACKED. It was nearly 160 just hiking! I actually stopped still for a full minute to get it down, and even then, I could only moderately hike and keep the HR in the 140s.

So I was alone, and that was fine. I really enjoy the solitude on that trail.

We reconvened at Deadwood Cemetary, just as patches of snow appeared. From there, eastbound, it worsened. By the time we got to DT, there was a good 6-8", but compacted with treadmarks to at least move in, but there'd be no Deadwood Canyon. So we turned back.

We all ran together 'til El Dorado bridge again. Descent was pretty decent and the HR was a little jacked, but - now on the inbound - I didn't care that much. Then, once across, I was committed to a reasonable "grind".

In doing so, I slowly pulled away from BGD and Tyler. The plan was for me to run all the way to FH, so when I made it to MB, I simply kept going, without any stop - good race-day practice!

The climb to MB felt strong, as did the run to FH. REALLY worked on my "normal runner - WalmZ Stride" on Gorman Ranch, past "Quitter's Tree", til the ups made me hike.

Man, what a great afternoon! ...but then I saw was I was feeling: fucking SMOKE. Smoke was POURING out of a couple burn piles, one in MB, and a few other down in the canyon. THAT's why the HR was jacked. Just dumb.

Air improved a lot in Volcano, as did the afternoon views of the setting sun. Had a wonderful descent into the canyon, and a strong run out of it. Ran the entirety of Bath Rd, past a bunch of "Go, SALLY MCRAE!" lettering PAINTED on the road (and subsequently blacked over, but not completely).

Pushed the last mile into FH to under 7 pace, which felt great. Gotta put on a show there!

GOOD RUN. Strong, despite the smoke malaise. Measured effort and, I suppose, the first "Sean O'Brien Long Run".

Splits (HR):

MB to El Dorado: 21:54 (140)
El D to DT: 1:28:20 (140)
DT to Cemetary: 18:54 (138 - SLOW due to snow)
Cemetary to El D: 25:46 (149)
El D to MB: 40:16 (160 - solid race split)
MB to FH: 57:00 (160 - GOOD race split!)

Post-run: immediately went into the "Mountain Club" (e.g. the old Sportsman's Club - which is just as chauvanistic, with its new name) to pound a Sierra Nevada, then back to to down. Tyler and I hammered In N Out, then back to the house. Went to BGD's to see the Kelly's and hang out.

22 miles
5700' up
6000' down
wore the N1 roads! The feet are in good shape to survive that!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
22.0 Miles