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Trailwork - Mt Fuji area with OD and "Andrew"

August 2, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Walk

Weather: not terribly hot...HORRIBLE mosquitoes!

Up EARLY, like 445, to do trailwork with OD on the Waldo course. I've only done one measley work session, back in early June, and felt compelled - and interested - in getting into the woods to cut stuff!

Met OD at the park N ride on I5 at 0550, then up 58. I thought we were working with Andrew Miller, who's done a shitload of Waldo work this summer. But it turns out, it was a random 63 year old guy from LaPine, named Andrew. We met him at the railroad overpass, then drove the long dirt road up to the Mt Fuji AS.

OUTRAGEOUS mosquitoes. Couldn't stay in one place, to dress, without being consumed! I took the saw - didn't cut, because my cert expired! - but I carried the saw pack all day.

We hiked to the AS (.25mi), then to the summit and down, then down the course to the South Waldo junction, then back. Easy 5 mile day...especially because there was only ONE log on that WHOLE route! There was a mix-up, since someone had cleared, down to South Waldo.

Fun chats with OD. Andrew...struggled. He wasn't super out of shape...but I guess he was having a hip problem? Anyway, he only did half, then hobbled back to the car. That's the risk of the PCT-generated rando help.

Rest of the day:
- OD and I got breakfast in Oakridge
- back home, showered, and tried to nap (not well)
- injury consults at Runhub
- washed the van!
- home to finish a rush gait analysis

Nice to have "a day off", basically 100%, from both running and work.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles