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AR bike path progression run with BGD

September 3, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80-90F, hot but not unbearable

Up somewhat early for a roadie run. I knew a grind would be good, and I had a feeling it was going to go down, so I didn't shy away from it.

Slept...better than Friday night, surprisingly. Another AM coffee, and I had one crappy brownie to "carb up" for this run.

Drove "Folsum-Auburn-Auburn-Folsom" and launched from a strip mall, a half-mile down to the bike path. I was STIIIIFF, but I worked hard to "find ease" in the stride. I never actually felt "GOOD", but I did eventually feel "OK".

That said, the intial miles on the bike path, low to mid 8s...felt like low 7s. Eventually, the pace reflected the effort. We ran downstream on the NW side, dodging runner and cyclists alike, amidst a see of yellow, brown (grass) and gray (smokey air). C'mon, fall!

Had one piss stop about 5 miles in before we crossed over, and by then, we were down to the low 7s pace. After that, "it was on": a legit cutdown. Once across to the other side, BGD led a good push. It wasn't long before I "announced" that after 10 miles, "I choose NOT to run! [tempo anymore]", so we commited to a good push until then.

Major form focus today, worked pretty well. It's all about two things:

1. General forward hip engagement (Chest over knee, but still tall)
2. Pelvis left -- such that you can FEEL left hip engagement (glutes loading...but in doing so, you'll feel it in the right, too)

If those two things are done, then everything else tends to fall into place.

Thought about an impending iRF colum on how to engage glutes. Thought about them all on this run:

1. Forward engagement (chest-over-knee, knee-behind-toes)
2. Pawback pull (today: especially right sided to open that up)
3. Mid-back arch (positions the pelvis to extend, behind)
4. Strong foot push-off (keeps the glute engaged, longer)
5. Compact and strong arm swing (elbow = scapula = opposite hip)
6. Upward-forward knee drive (= rearward hip extension

The SE side of the river saw a bunch more rollers, but they didn't slow us down, at all. BGD is sooo much stronger on ups that me (like, fucking everyone is), but I held my own on downs: trying to lean forward and keep the "spinning wheel" of hip action.

The last two miles were full anaeorbic for me: hard ass running. Not all out, but as fast as I could go holding good form and breath. When we hit ten miles, I was doubled over for a bit.

GOOD. RUN. We chilled after that:

- an AMAZING jump into the AR! Love CA for imparting this on me. COLDEST water of the weekend!
- easy shuffle jog the final mile+ back to the car

Truly outstanding run. I obviously forced it more than Jake, but that's 100-mile training: take all that hard and long running, then force a working, fast stride!

Lastly, it was good for a "narrative change". As I told Jake, I began to get negative, pitying, and "threatened", when I realized that I'd done SIX consecutive days of hard running this week:L

Tuesday: 4x mile tempo
Wednesday: 60% hardesty
Thursday: 7 miles and hills; 10x200m track session
Friday: RF to MB
Saturday: Squaw to RF
Sunday: grind!

And when I have this narrative that "all hard running is a Threat" it turns into this:

Negative Narrative: "You've run hard SIX days in a row, this is bad, you're going to get X, XX, XXX [consequences: burnout, injury, bad-bad-bad!]".

During that run, espeically in those final miles. I had to change the narrative:

Positive Narrative: "You're BAD-ASS for the training week you've done, and this run will be a crucial element in your training! To run this fast, after TEN hours of blazing hot, rugged trail running? Amazing! [Just be sure to REST afterward!]"

That helped a bunch, and I was really happy with the whole week.

Rest of the day:
- back to the house for breakfast
- some work
- some "nap time"
- dinner
- met up with BISP at Moonraker and Knee Deep

Good day, and outstanding week!

8:00 (must've not stopped my watch for the piss break - this was like 7:0x)
11:43 (again, didn't stop for the swim)
-- change

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.5 Miles