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DeFazio "3"x 5K

September 14, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 80, not quite hot, but sort of

Saw three clients in the morning, and nearly didn't get this key long road run started 'til after 11:30.

Based on the logistics of RdL, doing some long road work is crucial. Moreover, I do want to do PDX Marathon, and repeat 5Ks has always been a staple.

Ran from the office to EWEB, the start-finish of the undulating, twisting-turning yet often flat and fast 5K loop. I ran around a bit, waiting for CA to show up. From there, we ran another 2.5 miles warm-up, did x4 strides, then started off on CA's tempo loop.

She looked really strong, running upriver toward Autzen Bridge, but she was clearly frustrated, likely from the "slow" paces (6:38 first mile), but also complaints of "I can't control my leg" -- some difficultly with her left hip, although it looked GOOD to me. She struggled at times, but ran strong, back toward Alton Baker, looping around the pond, then the steep up and over the DeFazio bridge and back to EWEB.

First 5K: 20:40.

I brought along this old Gatorade jug (from Waldo '16) for fuel, which I stashed in the bush at the start. CA took off, and so did I, onto "#2":

I felt strong, but it was hard. I worked my ass off, near-literally:

Tall & Forward
Flick & PULL

I worked super-hard at finishing my hip extension. It helped a TON - a hugely palpable difference, especially on small uphills. But it was work!

In general, it "felt good, but not easy", especially on all those steep ups, rolling hills and many sharp corners. It's just such a clutch training challenge: there's no faking this loop.

Split #2: 18:34 (5:55 pace!)

In many cases, I'll jog a full mile (or 10:00) between 5Ks, but I decided I'd only do one more 5K, and to jog about a half-mile. Did that, and pounded more Gatorade, then took off for the final rep.

Starting the rep up a short grunt is always tough, and I felt that dreadful near-panic of the effort. But once it leveled out, I felt strong again. FLICK & PULL! FLICK & PULL! FLICK & PULL! I worked the hips the best I could, and tried to keep the stride "behind". It seemed to work well. Beyond that, it was just about execution: stride, and controlled breathing.

Mid-rep, a bike pulled up, and it was one of my old (and super-masters) runner clients, who I haven't seen in a couple years. Some chatter with him helped pass a good half mile as I made my way back to the park.

Once around the pond, up the bridge and into the final quarter-mile, I couldn't help but smile. I'm super-lucky: to be this [relatively] fit & strong, and to have the ability [mostly occupational] to do a long, hard workout at 1PM on a Thursday! So awesome.

Rolled down the other side, to the finish. Done and spent!

Split #3: 18:36 (5:55)

Post-workout: EASY jog all the way down to 105 along the river, then back on the path. UGH, so tough! Had major "butt-lock", but everything else felt solid.

Jogged all the way back to work, and tacked on to make it a [fairly] legit 19.

Rest of the day:
- home, then to the gym to lift (Ugh!)
- many errands
- packed up for Yachats!
- got to our rental just in time for the sunset! :-D

GREAT day. REALLY needed this run, my best workout in MONTHS.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
19.32 Miles 57:50
5.0 Miles Warmup  
5.0 Kilometers 20:40 6:39 / Mile    
0.5 Miles    
5.0 Kilometers 18:34 5:58 / Mile    
5.0 Kilometers 18:36 5:59 / Mile    
4.5 Miles Cooldown