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"hard" 800, 8x300m

September 21, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: around 60, overcast

Saw one client in the AM, then did some internet work (and caught up on July r-log: 311 miles), then finally got out to run.

One challenging aspect of training the past year+ has been consistency and routine. It's been in short-order. With a set schedule, I had three options to run:

- before work (ranging from 7 to 8am start time)
- lunch (1-2 hours, noon-2)
- after work (4:30-6, after)

And I nearly always ran two of those three (and nearly always at lunch).'s all over. Pre-work? Rarely if I start at 7. Mid-day, lots...but if I run mid-day, it's difficult to come back for a PM double.

Anyway, without a routine, it's easy to talk yourself out of certain work. And the constant shuffling makes it hard to get and keep momentum.

Today: I wanted to do a track workout. Sort of. Again, all over: Hardesty yesterday...but it was easy. Could workout tomorrow, but...then it'd crowd the weekend... Annoying uncertainty without a set routine, AND without a set group of folks to give you that (and demand a) routine and structure.

Anyway, after a good warm-up: stretching, abs, glutes, I got out for the workout. Decided that repeat 3s would be doable, day-after-Hardesty.

Felt OK, albeit stiff - especially in the R heel - on the warm-up. Really worked on the Rear Propulsion:

- Tall & Forward
- Pawback (flick & pull)
- finish the hip extension
- Salazar Stride heel recovery

Did x13 pull-ups again, then to the track for drills and strides. I was annoyed to see a small group of HS kids doing a (shuffle) mile time trial, but they weren't too disruptive.

Decided to do a "hard" 800, then go into the 300s, which would be more sustainable.

Didn't look at splits, just ran. Ran "hard", but...not fast: 2:32. I was faster a year the moment. I hope it comes back. I should be repping 2:30s.

That said, it was hard, but felt good.

Jogged a slow lap, then got into the "sustainable" 8x 300s. REALLY just worked on being super tall & forward, flick-pulling under, and recovering the heel high.

Felt GOOD. Not fast. But not too hard.

Jogged 100m rest and kept going. Per usual, I get into a few and start to fatigue, and consider bagging. But I just kept going, weaving through the HS kids, and keeping pace with this crossfit--y girl (maybe college) age doing jog-sprints in lane 9 (along with some fairly impressive jump-into-squat, then burpee, then push-ups. Solid)

After I got to 7, I thought about bagging - as my form had finally began to get taxed. But instead, I agreed to one more HARD. Took some extra rest, then blasted.

Never felt out of control, just harder: more drive, more pull, faster turnover, strong foot push. I was hoping for under 52, so I was very happy with the results!

Splits (rest):

2:32 (3:23)

55.4 (45)
56.0 (43)
56.2 (45)
55.3 (46)
56.6 (47)
55.7 (53)
55.x (88)
50.2 (--)

Post-run: 2 mile cool-down. Wore the Escalantes again...shouldn't have. I need to break from them for a bit. Achilles-heel, which was fine during, was real tight, afterward. BE CAREFUL!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.0 Miles 0:00
2.5 Miles Warmup  
2.5 Miles    
2.0 Miles