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Yachats in-town from the park

October 7, 2017 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: misty int he AM, then BEAUTIFUL ALL DAY (except a teeny rain bout, mid-afternoon)

Slept...OK. Not great. I think I ate too much dairy last night.

QUICK turnaround from van sleep to run: slept at the park on the corner of town (fairly illegal), got up, deuced, threw on run stuff, then shuffled out.

My ankles are still rough, so they do NOT like early AM runs. So I slow shuffled the first half-mile before getting it going, down the Ocean Drive, nearly out of town, then back through town for a proper 4 miler.

Rest of the day: Oregon Coast 50k!

- got coffee and croissants at Green Salmon
- met Yassine and some Wyeast guys at Perpetua CG and helped set up the AS. It was me, him, and two other guys for most of the day, 'til CA showed up early afternoon
- SO good to hang out with Yassine. "He's SO SOLID". Really funny, and really positive.
- Worked the AS, which served both mile 14 and 24. Not too annoying (as a lot of gluttonous runners can be), and fairly fun. Michelle came in "a little hot" on the inbound, but good...then even better with 7 to go.
- It was nice to have CA there, who had to drive all the way from Hood River, to Eugene, then to Yachats.

- CA went for a bike ride, while we packed up the AS
- I drove the Yachats River Road to plan the marathon for tomorrow, finding a ~9-mile stretch to do, "back-out-back".
- We went to the finish line to check it out, then hooked up with Michelle and Pete. Michelle finished in 6:1x, and was first in her AG (F45+), which is awesome
- Had a beer at the house, then dinner at the brwepub. Tired...and dreading-fearing the run tomorrow
- Slept in the van again, down by the park.

Solid day!

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
4.0 Miles