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SOFA 50K - the whole shebang with Brent Adler

January 20, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: best weather ever: 40s, dry, almost sunny!

Fun, long day. The plan was to have a group of Hunters drive down to run SOFA. I invited Brent Adler - a friend of Nate Jaqua's and a "professional acquaintance". Good guy, and burgeouning trail runner.

Once we had five runners going, "we decided" (per usual) that Emily, Hammer and Tommy ride together, leaving Brent and I to drive ourselves. As it turned out, it was a great outcome. Brent's mom, Sandy (who I know, and is great) came along.

Left South EUG around 6, and got there way early, and before the other Hunters. Because Sandy was only going to "hike around", we left before the official 9AM start time. A couple old tyme trail runners left before us. Chatted with some folks (including Joe CHEHHHHCK) before we too off, just before 8:40.

The Plan was to run super-easy out, then hard(ish) on the return, the whole "50K" (more like 30.x miles).

I led the first 6 miles or so, going super-easy, and walking most the ups. This afforded good form-focus. The plan for today:

4. Whole foot

The easy pace allowed for good execution all day. I felt I crouched pretty dang well. Arch was solid, and the pawback was good, too. I could feel me stretching out that chronic stiffness on the left side.

Around 6 miles in, I offered to have Brent lead. He took it, and at times, pushed it a bit. That was fine, as the conversation peetered and allowed me to really focus on nose-breathing! Did legit, full, relaxed nose breathing over those final 9 miles to Kelsey Creek. About a mile from the bridge turnaround, we ran into the old tyme guys, and we basically all hit the turn together.

My right ankle was...not happy: on and off super-stiff. The deal:

- it's for sure subtalar joint
- but there's also an element of calcaneal bursa
- tight calves = more pain!

I'd been neglecting calf stretching, after killing it, last weekend. So the calf and ankle stiffened up after yesterday's track session.

Spent a big chunk of time (5min?) hydrating and stretching before making the turn. Eric(?), one of the locals, gave me some water, which was nice, as I had only 1x 20oz bottle.

Then we gave it a push.

I told Brent, who's a solid-but-not-speedy trailrunner, that I was going to push it a bit. It was never really fast, but simply running the uphills made it hard. He stuck with me for about 1.5 miles, then I was alone.

The whole run back was solid...and quiet! We saw only THREE more runners!

- Hammer and Emily (about 2 miles out)
- one other guy (about 7 miles out)

Other than that? Alone!

It was a cool, interesting run:

- NO FOOD. No breakfast, no pre-run snack, no calories. I packed 2 gels, but didn't use them.
- Major form focus: "pelvis wiggle", hinge, arch on uphills was the huge challenge, but I did pretty well
- BREATHING. The breath control early paid off later. It felt good and strong to focus on it, and even with high HR, the breathing was - and wanted to be - controlled.
- Mini-bonk. I got a little bonky, but I'm fairly certain it was water-related. I sipped the water on the way back, but then pounded all that was left at 5 miles to go. Still, I was way low. But that was OK.
- the right ankle and heel was really good on the way back! Not sure why... maybe medicated...

Long story short, it was a good, but long but good long run! :-p Really glad to have done it, and push hard. Best of run that far and fast, with NOTHING? Pretty cool.

Outbound: 2:40
Inbound: 2:20.

When I finished, barely anyone was around! Weird: most people ran shorter and got on and off the trail before we saw anyone. Max King (who always comes) was just about to leave when I finished, so I said a quick hello to him. But after I changed, only about 5 people remained.

Sandy and I hung out with Tommy, who was waiting for Hammer and Emily. I chatted a bunch with Tim Turk, while I milled around, trying to keep loose, pounding water and calories (chili, and these toffee things). Tommy gave me a beer, and once Brent came in, I had another.

Finally around 3:30, we thought we caught sight of Emily and Hammer. Everyone else had packed up (and "Clyde the Glide" had packed up his fire ring). Brent was shivering, so we took off.

Drove north, stopping at "Heaven on Earth" cafe for good food, then back to Eugene.


- hung out with CA
- tried a new comfort food restaurant downtown

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
30.5 Miles   Brooks Levitate