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PRE, Fairmount

April 5, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: rainy but warm

BUSY day. Patients in the AM, then just enough time to get out for a run. I felt good today, so I figured I'd try for a legitimate run. Ran easy fro the office, north to downtown, then into Alton Baker and onto PRE. Did the bulk of the run with nasal breathing, but didn't feel super-relaxed. Broke it a few times on the later uphills, and felt pretty rundown in the last mile.

No weights, didn't have time. Saw two more clients, then it was time for the meet!

Cottage Grove #2. This would be our first fast-outing of the year: kids would run one hard event, then a sand-bagged 3K: their first.

It was...a rough day. Most kids were pretty darn flat or otherwise under-prepared for a small and fast-running meet in the warm mist at CG:

- 1500s: the girls were late (mostly my fault, for not sending them sooner) and did NO strides or drills. I thought Maddy was in 5:00 shape, or faster. She lasted precisely 200m at that pace, then had no help, and fell way off. Jaesa ran OK, and Sam was, well, super-flat and tired (as has been the case)
- Hunter? Flat AND clunky. His goal was 4:15 and he was 10 seconds off, had no kick, and lost. Worst of all, he was over-striding like crazy. Really boxy. After the race, we spent a good ten minutes working on this. I may suck at some things, but my ability to adjust and coach-up a stride DURING a meet is a clutch skill that few coaches have (it worked, too - see below)

- The 8s were OK. Callan ran strong, but once again got boxed and bullied in a sprint to the finish (in lane 0.5). Kyler and Amar were flat and slower than desired

- The 3ks were fun, at least! "5k pace" for 1600m, then faster. Cal and Hunter were running 5:20 pace then dropped a 5:00 mile, with Hunter - looking WAY better (no boxy over-stride) cutting a 65 last lap. That, unfortunately, still wasn't enough to win & beat CG's guy, but it was an improvement. On the girls' side, Maddy benefited (arguably unfairly) running a coed race. She ran with Amar, and cut pretty straight 6:00 pace, then even faster, dropping a 73 last lap for an 11:03 (like 11:45 3200?)! She's #2 all time on the school record list.

Good, solid meet, and a quick one, but not nearly as "fun" as a year ago.


Post-meet: CA and I hadn't had beers since Sunday, so we went out in CG, for a beer at the Brewstation, then over to Ax & Fiddle for dinner. As we were wrapping up, I got a text, then a call from Sawa, the wife of David Saenger, one of my coachiang clients.

He was missing: he was running Hardesty, on my training recommendations (as he is training for Canyons 100K), she said, and was due home by 7. It was now 9:30. Fuck. I told her if she hadn't heard from him by 10, to call 911, who would dispatch Search and Rescue. I sent across all the info I had, then called OD (Ed Willson), who's on S&R. He hadn't been called yet, but about a half-hour after that, he'd been dispatched to the search.

Fucking hell. More to pile onto this week!

[Happy Ending: after spending ALL night lost on Hardesty, with S&R unable to find him, at dawn, David found his way out!]

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
7.5 Miles   PI N1 Road - Blue (V1 - fall '17)