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OFF - Wally Ciochetti Invite

May 4, 2018 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Other

Worst. Night. Ever.

Something happened last night -- could be extreme pollen (there was, like 1000 count?), or my new meds, or just the adrenals going haywire, but I got super-wired / anxious during and after watching "Breaking Bad" last night before bed (it's the episode where Hank and Gome-y get killed). Silly, but...crazy.

Tried to go to bed at 10:30, slept for an hour (til Callie inexplicably woke up), then woke up. My left shoulder - still itchy from Quarry Loop posion oak - was crazy itchy, so I got up and put calagel on it. That didn't stop the insane, painful itch, so I went upstairs and put ice on it.

Then...I was up. For like TWO hours. After "medicating" with social media, I spent a solid hour-plus reading the "Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome" book, plowing through a good 100 pages. Pretty spot-on. I tried to go back to sleep, but I was still crazy-wired. I got up one more time, then finally, at 2:30, I got to sleep. Slept reasonably after that for about 3.5 hours.

ROUGH morning.

This sucks so much balls. I can only hope that:

A. this is a side-effect, or
B. I'm on my way to learning more about what I need to do, or don't (like eat carbs at night, and watch scary shit before bed)

NO exercise today. Terrible idea. The day:

- three new patients in the AM (7-10) but all good ones
- got my calves worked on by Kelly, which was overdue and clutch
- came home, ate, worked on the "hot seat" posters for the kids
- napped while Callie ran
- ran to FedEx Office to get the posters laminated
- went to Cottage Grove for the track meet

The track meet was...good and great.

The good:
- Beautiful weather. Mid 70s, warm in the sun, but very light wind and overall outstanding conditions.
- Hunter ran solid in his 15. He wasn't responsive enough (or, he listened to me too much and was "too relaxed" in the first lap, from 200m-400m), got behind, and got gapped. He ran 4:14, a second slower than Wednesday.
- Same thing with Jaesa in the 15, but it was probably good for her in the end, keeping her from going too hard.
- Amar ran solid and a PR in the 400
- Callan ran a solid, but still a little tentative, in the 800m. Season best 2:04 with Hunter (doubling back) right behind. But we was out in 60-mid - gotta be faster if you wanna run <2:02 (like 58-64, not 61-63)

The Less good:
- Morgan missed her dang heat of the 800m. Two meets in a row, not connecting with her teammates for warm-up.

But the two Great highlights:

1. Maddy absolutely CRUSHED her 1500m. In a big (26 runners), fast (well under 5) heat, she got out smart in the top 5, slowly moved up, reeled in the lead due with 600 to go, then BLAZED the last lap, running 4:48!! In beating the girl who beat her two weeks ago, she CRUSHED her PR from that race (5:01). Absolutely perfect execution. Smooth, even, and assertive.

2. The meet finished early, as our depleted team was done after Garrett's 200m. Given how tired I was, this was a great blessing (as this meet typically goes >10PM). With most of our team gone, we huddled the distance kids on the turf infield while the meet was still in session for a post-meet huddle.

Callie and I talked about the day, and about the next two weeks. Then we opened it up for questions and comments. Maddy began to talk: about her race, and her motivations. She shared that a friend of hers, a former classmate (from middle school, who goes to a different high school) committed suicide on Wednesday night. She said she dedicated her race effort to him. Then she thanked her teammates for being...great teammates.


This was the kid who melted down at Seattle, then again only a few weeks ago at Oregon Relays -- both times withholding and burying her emotions, silently suffering, and unwilling or too fearful to share -- now sharing with her team. Preceding this day, for the past few weeks, she's been more expressive, more positive, and more fun than ever.

That's our proudest moment. It's been a fucking hard year, but this singular moment will make it all worthwhile.

Post-meet: beers at the The Brew Station, then dinner at Ox & Cart. Tired but good day. Minimal nerves or anxiety that evening