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Short campus run with CA

May 9, 2018 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Energy: pretty good.
Sleep: GOOD (minimal wake-ups; had dreams)

Busy day but good. Two patients in the AM, then worked at the office 'til CA met me at the office to do a short run.

My ankle seems to be doing better: focusing on lateral ankle ligament mobility. SUPER tight and sore over there, so I've been massaging and lateral stretching it.

Ran from the office, on the classic UO route, but without barefoot. Goddamn Hayward's East Grandstand is getting TORN DOWN within probably two months, so I'm cherishing each run past it.

Run felt...rough. CA was grinding a bit (e.g lke 7:30 pace!). Legs felt HEAVY and dead-quads (from biking). Her calf began to act up so we stopped about a half-mile from the office to walk.

Rest of the day:

* some additional ankle soreness
* saw a 12:30 patient, then practice


* early release, short day
* did hip mobility, then sent the kids on a run
* worked individually with Maddy and Sam again: drills with knee-out emphasis, then short runs on the infield. Maddy is a little better; Sam is still clunky and looking painful, but they were able to run a couple laps. Maddy did more: including some faster-straights. She's coming around, which is good. I made sure to talk to her and see where "her head's at". She's surprisingly composed and low-anxiety about it. I reassured her that it's OK, getting better, and she'll still be able to execute on Saturday.

* Got done at 3ish, drove back to the office, saw one more patient, then did my Run Hub consult. That went well, and was just busy enough.

* Home!

* Had some grumpies in the PM: my new "Megaspore" supplement does it, I think. Took it with dinner, and felt "tapped out" and high-strung after dinner.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
3.5 Miles   Brooks Levitate