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Hmaburg, DE -- "Stadtpark" run with Agata, CA

January 26, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: low 40s, brisk

Slept in til nearly 10, then did some mobility stuff in Agata's apartment, then headed out for a run.

She had a workout in mind, but we were too heavy and lagged to want to partake (plus, she's really fit, compared to us!)

Ran about 3K to this little track in this BIG city park in northern Hamburg. The track was ice-covered, but they have this ~500m dirt loop above/around it, so Agata and two other friends did repeat 400s. While they did that, CA and I ran easy around the park.

My system was a little messed up from travel, again, so we BOTH had to deuce in "the woods" in the park. (Finding public restrooms in Germany is impossible!). AFter that, the run was fine. Nice dirt trails all over.

Ran back to the track to cheer on Agata's workout. They were doing 78s 400s on this dirt (and variably iced!) loop! Jeez! CA and I jogged a million laps while they finished up, then the three of us jogged home.

BIG mileage day! Just under 11.

Ankles weren't too bad! The lack of elevation was key.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
11.0 Miles   Topo FlyLyte - Blue