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Baldies + Tempo mile with CA

February 19, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: low 40s, dry

I was feeling pretty optimistic to do this workout, and I'm elated that it went well: the ol' Baldy up-downs.

Drove with CA to Tugman Park and ran the 1.5 miles to the base of Baldy. From there, we did 3x up and down, with her leading each.

They went pretty well. They weren't easy, but:

* I felt fairly strong
* Stride felt pretty efficient: hip loading and arm swing
* Minimal heel and ankle pain!

Splits were solid and consistent, too:

10:29, 8:08 (muddy!)
10:29, 8:08!
10:35, 8:10

The third might've been faster, but when CA asked if we should go faster, I said "NO!"

From there, we jogged to the Martin St park, then finished it off with a gently downhill "quick mile". This felt REALLY good, especially working on:

* butt back
* relaxed chest
* pawback
* arm swing

Ran a pretty easy 6:08!

Jogged about a K and was done. Good run!

Rest of the day:
* Accompanied CA to see Mike Baum for her "deadbutt". As I suspected - but haven't been able to fix - he thinks it's lumbar strain that's causing nerve pain. Super-thankful for his thorough help!
* 4 patients in the afternoon
* NO hunt. Didn't make sense, since I ran 9 miles in the AM. Ankles were pretty OK, but not ready for a double

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
9.0 Miles