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April 19, 2019 (Morning)

Exercise Type: Other

Got up early to take advantage of a "Free Day" at Hoodoo Ski Area, which is about two-thirds of the way to Bend, from Eugene. We'd never been (it's about 20min or more farther from EUG than Willamette), but it was FREE skiing!

Up at 545 and leaving by 645, with six cans of food for the "payment".

Felt pretty tired driving up. And congested. Turns out I'm getting whatever weird cold Callie got last weekend.

FUN day of skiing. It was SO warm! Snow got a little heavy but it was still pretty damn fun. The mostly clear skies had amazing views up there: even better than the top of Maiden.

Hip was a teeny bit sore, but otherwise fine. QWAAADZ got a good burn, though!

Skied a few hours, then hung out in the sun before driving back down the hill.

Rest of the day:
* drove straight to Oakway Fitness so Callie could do heat training in the sauna
* beer at Coldfire
* dinner at Wheel Apizza
* anniversa-fritters (52 months!) from Voodoo
* home for movie. Watched "About Time" on Netflix. Really good!

Great day. Nice to have a fun, relaxing day after a really busy past 6 weeks. I'm encouraged with my hip