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Alsea Falls shuffle run

May 5, 2019 (Afternoon)

Exercise Type: Run

Weather: 70, warm

Slept in, then lollygagged a bit before checking off a (local) "bucket-list" item: Alsea Falls.

As it turns out, Alsea Falls is a pretty mediocre BLM park west of Corvallis. While it had OK trails, the actual falls was pretty lame. Another falls, a mile away, was better.

I studied along the way and...once I got there, I felt like shit. At first I thought it was car sickness. But it took about half the run -- and feeling "allergy responsive" -- to realized that I'd OVER-did fucking allegra. This happens every so often: usually when I take it daily (or more than daily) for several days in a row. I'd take a pill right before we left.

Felt rough: drowsy, heavy legs, cranked. But interestingly...not as bad as actual allergies.

OF INTEREST: Callie filmed my stride at the end of a run:

* I have been thinking about "ROGER'ing": this is when you externally rotate your foot behind you when you push off. It's both a hip and ankle issue (that's bad for both, and the back)

* but it turns out, I'm still doing a LOT of lateral trunk motion: push off one leg, slop trunk too much toward the landing side.

* what correlates with that? "CHARLIE-ing": when your leg push-off -- rather than extending straight behind -- adducts, or "swirls inward", across midline. The more I "CHARLIE'd", the worse the lateral trunk.

So that'll be a new project.

Distance Duration Pace Interval Type Shoes
5.0 Miles